PROFILE Visited 1397 times
Willingness to Travel: In all countries and continents
Free Exchange: No
Specialties: Advertising
City, Country: Islas Baleares, Spain
Languages: Spanish
More information:
I was born in Palma, a Tuesday March 13, 1979. Even after he turned 30, my life has been on the sidelines of Photography, as well as personal experience and professionally.
The year 2013 has been an important year in my life journey, and that is when my life has brought the Photographs.
My first photo show the world, was a sunrise. Symbolic start, similar to my professional and personal growth.
I studied, and I've made several photographers inside and outside the island, reaching the wonderful world of fashion.
I'm interested in art, innovation and constant creation around and makes fashion, the total experiment arises.
Fashion is my passion, it's my way of enjoying my career as a photographer.
For a year he worked as the official photographer for a magazine called Balearic level
I posted in local newspapers, magazine spread on the web.
I have also done work for companies nationwide.
I want to keep growing, I dream someday to publish in vogue to be like
the great photographer Mario Testtino.
It is a difficult job with many bumps in the road but I think that when you start
walking you must not stop you, you will find one day a path of flowers and that will be my time.
Why photography? I like to see the beauty in my goal to capture moments, looks,
sensations. Let people dream of every moment. Añosque dreamed for many
to study photography but never succeeded, but something changed for accident
work and at the end I could achieve my dream.
In this world many surprises await me, I want to be nice, both
as personally and professionally.
Through photography I have met wonderful colleagues with whom I maintain a close friendship.
Where I see myself doing photos? Anywhere in the world, Paris, Venice, India, Canada,
Australia, to the north pole if necessary, there where the work takes me.
Another major challenge to achieve is to have my photography studio where you can turn my
crazy realities. I've done sessions with flour, water, confetti, wind, etc .. without
let the fun at every instant.
I want to keep dreaming every day and that you enjoy my photographs as I do.
Dispongo de equipo para exteriores y estudio, tambien de material propio.
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